ISGS 9, 2022, Chicago, United States

The theme of the meeting was “Gesture: From Description to Application”.

Keynote speakers were Catherine So (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Susan Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago), Seana Coulson (University of California), Diane Brentari (University of Chicago) , and Michael Tomasello (Duke University).

More information on the conference, including the program and the book of abstracts  is available at:

Program (pdf)

  • Abstracts submitted: 279

  • Abstract accepted altogether: 271

  • Abstracts accepted as talks: 98

  • Abstracts accepted as part of panels: 35

  • Abstracts accepted as posters: 138

  • Visitors who paid the fee: 216

ISGS 8, 2018, Cape Town, South Africa


The theme of the meeting was “Gesture and Diversity”.

Keynote speakers were Sotaro Kita (University of Warwick), Eve Sweetser (University of California, Berkeley), Olga Capirici (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technology), Judith Holler (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) , and Yolanda Covington-Ward (University of Pittsburgh)

More information on the conference, including the program and the book of abstracts  is available at:

Program (pdf), Abstracts (pdf)

  • Abstracts submitted: 239

  • Abstracts accepted altogether: 197

  • Abstracts accepted as talks: 121

  • Abstracts accepted as part of panels: 58

  • Abstracts accepted as posters: 18

  • Visitors who paid the fee: 157 (40 emerging scholars were funded through grants)

ISGS 7, 2016, Paris, France


The seventh conference of the ISGS took place at Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris, France, July 18–22, 2016. It was entitled “Gesture — Creativity — Multimodality”.

Keynote speakers were Martha Alibali (University of Wisconsin), Alessandro Duranti (UCLA), Scott Liddell (Gallaudet University), Cornelia Müller (European University Viadrina) and Catherine Pélachaud (CNRS, Télécom – ParisTech). Leonard Talmy (University at Buffalo) figured as special guest.

More information on the conference, including the program and the book of abstracts  is available at: 

Program (pdf), Abstracts (pdf)

  • Abstracts submitted: 503

  • Abstracts accepted altogether: 367

  • Abstracts accepted as talks: 185

  • Abstracts accepted as part of panels: 91

  • Abstracts accepted as posters: 85

  • Visitors who paid the fee: 410 (but some cancelled — this will be updated)

ISGS 6, San Diego, United States


The sixth conference of the ISGS took place at the University of California, San Diego, United states, July 8–11, 2014. It had the title “Gesture in Interaction”.

Keynote speakers were Herbert H. Clark (Stanford University), Susan Wagner Cook (University of Iowa), Asli Özyürek (MPI Nijmegen and Radboud University), Marjorie H. Goodwin (UCLA), Andy Wilson (Microsoft Research), and Marianne Gullberg (Lund University).

More information on the conference  is available at:

Program (pdf), Abstracts: plenaries (pdf), Abstracts: talks (pdf), Abstracts: posters (pdf)

  • Abstracts submitted: 312

  • Abstracts accepted as talks: 119

  • Abstracts accepted as part of panels: 47

  • Abstracts accepted as posters: 60

  • People registered as regular participant: 125

  • People registered as student: 110 (75 paid registrations, 20 bursary recipients, and 15 local volunteers)

ISGS 5, 2012, Lund, Sweden


The fifth conference of the ISGS took place at Lund University, Sweden, July 24–27, 2012, entitled “The Communicative Body in Development”.

Keynote speakers were Michael C. Corballis (University of Auckland), Jana M. Iverson (University of Pittsburgh), Spencer Kelly (Colgate University), Stefan Kopp (Bielefeld University), Lorenza Mondada (University of Basel), and Wendy Sandler (University of Haifa).

More information on the conference  is available at:

Program (pdf), Abstracts (pdf), plenaries

ISGS 4, ISGS 2010, Frankfurt Oder, Germany


The fourth conference of the ISGS took place in Frankfurt, Oder, Germany, July 25–30, 2010 under the title “Gesture — Evolution, Brain and Linguistic Structures”.

Keynote speakers were Joseph Call (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), Alan Cienki (VU University Amsterdam), Susan Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago), Georg Goldenberg (Klinikum Bogenhausen, Technische Universität München), Adam Kendon (University of Cambridge), Roland Posner (Technische Universitaet Berlin), Jürgen Streeck (he University of Texas at Austin), and Sherman Wilcox (University of New Mexico).

More information on the conference  is available at:

Program (pdf), Abstracts (pdf)

ISGS 3, 2007, Chicago, IL, USA


The third congress of the ISGS, “Integrating Gestures” took place in Chicago, at Northwestern University, USA, June 18–21, 2007.

Keynote speakers were Ipke Wachsmuth (Universität Bielefeld), Susan Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago), and Karen Emmorey (San Diego State University).

Program (pdf), Abstracts (pdf)

ISGS 2, 2005, Lyon, France


The second congress of the ISGS, Interacting Bodies (Corps en Interaction), was held at the Universite Lyon 2, France, June 15–18, 2005.

Keynote speakers were Janet Bavelas (University of Victoria), Geoffrey Beattie (University of Manchester), Justine Cassell (Northwestern University), Christian Heath (Kings College London), Marc Jeannerod, and Virginia Volterra.

More information on the conference  is available at:

Program (pdf), book of abstracts (pdf), List of Posters (pdf), Proceedings (link)

ISGS 1, 2002, Austin, TX, USA


The first congress of the ISGS, “Gesture-The Living Medium”, took place at the University of Texas at Austin, June 5–8, 2002.

The congress was attended by 220 participants from 18 countries; 120 papers were presented.

Program (html)

Workshop: Gestural communication in nonhuman and human primates (2004)


ISGS co-sponsored the workshop "Gestural communication in nonhuman and human primates" during the 5th International Conference on the Evolution of Language at the Max Planck Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leizpig (Germany), March 28–30, 2004, which was organized by Cornelia Müller (Berlin) and Katja Liebal (Leipzig). Among the presenters were Michael Arbib, Luigia Camaioni, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Barbara King, Cornelia Müller, and Michael Tomasello.

Conferences prior to the founding of ISGS


Workshop at the Centro Internazionale di Semiotica in Urbino, July 12–16, 2000, Report (html)

  • Conference in Oporto/Portugal, April 1–5, 2000, Gesture: Meaning and Use.

Proceedings: Rector, Monica, Poggi, Isabella, & Nadine Trigo (Eds.) (2002). Gestures. Their meaning and Use.Porto: University Fernando Pessoa Press